
What We Do For Buyers

1: Locate all suitable properties in your price range with no potential conflict of interest. 
2: Set up appointments to suit your schedule. 
3: Research the properties to find out what they previously sold for and if there are any liens or assessments. 
4: Work up a comprehensive comparative market analysis.  This study will assist you in evaluating different properties and alternative courses of action to ensure you a competitive offering price.
5:Assist in comparing your mortgage costs with the different lenders. This will determine the most favorable loan for you.   
6: With your best interests in mind, prepare the purchase contracts, adding contingency clauses for your gain and protection.
7: Provide assistance in selecting qualified companies and individuals that may be necessary for property inspections and repairs estimates
8: Be with you every step of the way from contract negotiations, property inspections to closing.  Even after closing we help out by providing a list of service people that our past clients have used.
9: After going through the resale research and pricing you may find that it would be just as affordable to build a new house as it is to buy a resale property. As previously Tamure' will assist you and guide you through this process.

In New Home Construction.

Tamure real estate agents will
1: Show you an inventory of all the quality builders including their floor plans and prices.
2: Assist you in selecting a builder by doing a cost analysis comparing their costs verses their competitors. 
3: Accompany you to different models and point out all of the features positive or negative. 
4: Assist you in negotiations with the builder to assure you there are no hidden costs.
5: Provide you with a list of lawyers to chose from to go over the builders contract.